Heartland Chevelle Club
Meeting Notes
July 15, 2018 - H & H Chevrolet

Members in attendance: Jan & Rick Lambert, Steve Fitch, Bob VonKaenel, Lisa & Kenny Cheung, Greg Hansen, Nick Tomcykowski, Jon Porsel, Jay & Linda Johnson, Connie Johnson, Stacy Lambert & McKenzie, Tatum, & Paige, Rich & Cindy Colfack, Mike Tesar, Rich Fulton, Don Vollmer, Joel & Gina St Cyr, Steve Kohler, Scott Pullen, Don Changstrom, Larry & Monica Jansky, Carl Bortol

Meeting called to order by President Greg Hansen.

Secretary's Report was read by Secretary Jan Lambert

Treasurer's Report was read by Treasurer Connie Johnson

Member News:

Agenda Items:

Greg talked about the upcoming shows, Fill the Hill, August 4, Midwest Custom Cruisers Car show @ Northwest Highschool. Tim Mills asking for volunteers to judge. August 5, Camaro Show 9-5 @ Dillon Brothers 171st & Maple. Plaques not ready yet. They should be ready soon.

Save the date for the next picnic on May 18, 2019. If you want a Wheels of Courage Car Show Tshirt you can call Quaker Steak & Lube to order one. Quasar outdoor movie theatre opens memoial day 2019.

John Porsel passed out Chevelle magazines to those who wanted them.

The Wichita Regional was talked about. Cruise committee will setup a cruise route. If you are going to the show Let Rick Lambert know. He wants to make sure no one is left behind.

Greg talked about Speedway and that the club plaque was donated to display at Speedway. They were thrilled to get the plaque. Speedway offered to have a meeting at their place in Lincoln. They will host a show during the week and provide pizza and pop. Let them know when we available. Bob VonKaenel will set up and get back to the club.

Motion made by Jay Johnson for the club to donate $100.00 for a trophy for the Vintage Iron Club car show. It was 2nd by Steve Fitch. Voted on and passed.

NextClub Meeting:
August 19, 2018 at Rick & Jan Lambert's house with a l pm start.

Future meetings are:
September 16, 2018 Chris & Linda Holtberg's @ lpm
October 7, 2018 @ Carl Bortol's , 1pm 25011 Capitol Circle
November 11, 2018 Christmas Dinner. Harrison Hills Club House

Greg Thanked everyone for coming. Jan Lambert brought cupcakes to celebrate Stacy Lambert's birthday. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Stacy and the cupcakes were passed out.

Meeting was adjourned @ 1:45pm.

Meeting notes submitted by Jan Lambert, Secretary