Heartland Chevelle Club
June 18, 2011
Bob & Cathy Von Kaenel, Lincoln, Ne.

Introduction of members and guests: New Member, Mike McCormick.

Treasurer's Report: Checking Account Balance of account: $2,401.88
World of Wheels Fund Balance: $0

Secretary's Report: Not Available.

Member News:

President's Report:

New Business:

• Renewal of rights to Heartland Chevelle name with the Nebraska Secretary of State. Renewal for a 10 year term at a cost of $100. Motion make to pay for the renewal made and seconded. Motion passed.
• Tom Pelchat is doing well with Keyless entry system.
• Charcoal grill like the Oregon Club. Parts donated: 72 front clip from Greg, a complete frame from Nick (may have a club work day for swapping frame for Nick), and other parts. Would like to complete the grill by WOW 2012. Motion made for budgeting $200 to build grill, seconded and motion passed.
• Shows: South Omaha VFW show 8/13 - benefit for scholarships and Veterans home. Wounded warrior show - benefit for "Cars for Heros".

No further business and the meeting was adjourned.

Minutes submitted by Doug Kass, Secretary